Just published:

My article "Professionalizing the Imam in Europe: Imam Training Programs as Sites of Deliberative Engagement", in: Religions 2021, 12 (5) is now out!
Open Access:

Proud to present!
On 7 December 2020, I was invited by the Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) to present my country contribution in the AIWG International Report on the ‘Education and Training of Muslim Religious Professionals in Europe and North America’.

"This exploratory report identifies commonalities and differences in the approaches to the education and training of Muslim religious personnel, highlights examples of best practice models und thus, stimulates a constructive discussion reaching beyond national and institutional borders. Eleven country correspondents contributed to this publication, edited and written by Dr Niels Valdemar Vinding and Dr Raida Chbib. Based on their reports and comparative presentation of examples from different nations, it provides general recommendations for a better and more sustainable development of education and training of Muslim religious professionals in Europe and North America" More on:

Our call for contributions in now out!
Special Issue of Religions: "Exploring New Assemblages of Islamic Higher Education in Western Europe, guest editors: Dr. Mieke Groeninck and Dr Welmoet Boender 
Please check
EXTENDED Call open until 14 March 2021!

Published in Summer 2020! "Motherland - Fatherland"
In Dutch:
Voor de reeks Oecumenische Bezinningen van de Raad van Kerken stelden Gé Speelman en Welmoet Boender een serie portretten samen onder de titel "Moederland - Vaderland. Verhalen van Nederlanders over vertrouwdheid, vervreemding en verlangen".
"Iedereen komt ergens vandaan, is ergens thuis en heeft ideeën over waar de samenleving naar toe moet. Dat geldt voor mensen wier familie al eeuwen in Nederland woont net zo goed als voor mensen die ergens anders geboren zijn. Samen geven zij vorm aan Nederland als ‘moederland’ en ‘vaderland’. In deze uitgave vertellen tien mensen wat de termen ‘moederland’ en ‘vaderland’ aan beelden en ervaringen bij hen oproepen. Hun verhalen kunnen inspireren tot gesprekken over onze herkomst, toekomst en ons gezamenlijk thuis. Afgesloten wordt met enkele handvatten om zelf het gesprek hierover te organiseren in uw eigen omgeving."
Met veel dank aan iedereen die in dit boekje zijn of haar persoonlijke verhaal vertelt!

She gave many public lectures, panel contributions and media contributions (radio, television, newspapers) on Islam, mosques, imams, imam training, radicalization, jihadism, salafism, shari'a, Islamophobia, refugee crisis, religious counter-narratives, populism, religion and development, and interreligious relations.

She regularly acts as day-chair in interreligious and intercultural dialogue activities.

Recently published:
“Leiden Islam Academy. A first-hand analysis of an innovative teaching program”, Studies of Interreligious Dialogue Journal, 2019, vol. 29, issue 1, pp. 125-139, 

* (in Dutch) "De maatschappelijke waarde van moskeeën, in: Ineke van der Valk (red.) Mikpunt moskee, Amsterdam: Brave New Books, pp. 123-157

* “On being a (good) Muslim in the West: four contributions of Dutch Muslim publicists”, Journal of Muslims in Europe, nr 8, issue 1, pp. 109-118

Recent events
* Invited participant in the international conference From CopyPaste to Domestic Training? Muslim Religious Leadership in Europe and North America. organized by the Academy for Islam in Academy and Society (AIWG) Germany, Berlin 7-9 October 2019
* Public course Islam in the Netherlands (in Dutch), Volksuniversiteit Leiderdorp, 5 & 19 November and 2 December 2019 

Online courses
* Online course Profiel van de imam in Nederland (in Dutch) on

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